
Get a quote of type BuyWithCryptoTransfer to facilitate a token transfer transaction. Using this instead of a native transfer allows you to receive status and webhooks about successful or failed payments.

Once you have the quote, you can use prepareTransaction and prepare the transaction for submission.


import { getBuyWithCryptoTransfer } from "thirdweb/pay";
const transfer = await getBuyWithCryptoTransfer({
fromAddress: "0x...", // wallet address
toAddress: "0x...", // recipient address - likely to be your wallet
chainId: 10, // chain id of the token
tokenAddress: "0x...", // address of the token
amount: "10", // amount of token to transfer
purchaseData: {
// any metadata for you to attribute this purchase
customerId: "yourId",
function getBuyWithCryptoTransfer(


object of type GetBuyWithCryptoTransferParams


let params: {
amount: string;
chainId: number;
client: ThirdwebClient;
fromAddress: string;
purchaseData?: object;
toAddress: string;
tokenAddress: string;


let returnType: {
approvalData?: QuoteApprovalInfo;
client: ThirdwebClient;
estimatedGasCostUSDCents: number;
fromAddress: string;
paymentToken: QuotePaymentToken;
processingFee: QuotePaymentToken;
toAddress: string;
transactionRequest: PrepareTransactionOptions;

Object of type BuyWithCryptoTransfer which contains the information about the transfer